Our Trust

Our Trustees

Pouroto Ngaropo

Pouroto Ngaropo


Iwi Affiliations: Ngāti Awa Ki Te Awa o Te Atua, Ngāti Awa, Te Rarawa, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāti Pukenga, Te Whānau-a-Apanui, Tūhoe, Ngāti Ranginui,Ngāti Makino, Te Wai o Hua, Te Akitai, Ngāri Whatua and Tūhourangi.  He also has iwi affiliations to Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Ngāti Pikiao, Ngāti Whakaue, Waitaha, Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Maniapoto,  Ngāti Haua, Ngāti Koroki Kahukura, Ngāti Mahanga and Ngāti Wairere.

Portfolio/s Tangitu Whanau TrustChairman /Finance Audit and Risk PortfolioSub Committee portfolio /Tikanga and Kawa Committee/Health and safety portfolio, Asset Management/ Housing Papakainga and ex officio of all portfolios of Tangitu Whanau Trust

Pouroto purpose in life has always been to empower and develop iwi, marae, hapū and whanau to be make their own decisions, to connect to their tribal connections, to share their stories with the aim towards mana motuhake, mā te hapū , mō te hapū, mā te iwi, mō te iwi, mā te whanau mō te whanau.  

He also brings extensive board experience at the top level, involved as Chairman, trustee in differentsectors, Health, iwi, hapū, land trust, environmental trusts, education forums, cultural organisations spanning over several decades. Through this experience he has learnt varying styles of leadership. He is extremely professional in his approach and leads by example. Being a clear communicator, he demands authority but remains clear in his direction.

He has an undeniable commitment to preserve and revive the knowledge passed down to himthrough the many elders he was blessed to be taken under their wings. He is extremely knowledgeable in the westernized-modern constructs as well enables to move freely in both arenas of Te Māori me Te Ao Pākeha, having held several high positions of authority is testament to what he brings.

Thomas Wepiha

Thomas Wepiha

Deputy Chairman

Iwi affiliations

Ngaiterangi / Ngapotiki, Ngati Ranginui / Pirirakau, Te Arawa / Ngati Pikiao, Ngati Awa / Te Kahupaake/Te Iwi Morehu


  • Lead the Finance Risk & Audit portfolio
  • Support the Policy, Procedure & Distribution portfolio

An Electrical Engineering background with experience in Business Management, Strategic Planning, Project Management, Sales & Marketing.

Other Organisations

Tangitu Whanau Trust18 years on the Trust
Whaaro Trust, Papamoa – Ex Chairman – Kiwifruit Orchard, Investment property
Mangatawa 4E trust Tamapahore – Consultant
Walsh Trust – West Akld – Mental Health Board member for 4 years
ESITO – Electrical Supply Industry Training Organisation – Responsiveness Project – Increase Maori, Pacific Island & Women’s participation in the Electrical Industry

My reasons for being on the Trust

Grow the Tangitu Whanau Assets to support Tangitu Whanau achieve positive outcomes that;

  • Reaffirm & consolidate our turanga on this whenua as a united whanau within a united whenua
  • Support Tutereinga Marae and all it’s activities to maintain its unique kawa & tikanga
  • Contribute to the development of our people kei roto I te matauranga maori me te matauranga pakeha.

Harold Rawson


Ko Mauao te maunga
Ko Tauranga te moana
Ko Takitimu te waka
Ko Ngati Ranginui te Iwi
Ko Pirirakau te Hapu
Ko Tutereinga te Marae

Tihei mauriora

I was born in Tauranga. Educated at St Joseph’s Convent, Te Puna and Hato Petera college North Shore. Worked as a Line Mechanic for Waitemata Electric Power Board and Trustpower together for 30 years. Currently the last 20 years as a tour, charter, and school bus driver for Uzabus. I am currently Vice Chairman for Tauranga Moana Maori Trust Board being a Trustee 14 years.

I have now been a trustee for Tangitu Whanau Trust for 10 years.

Ma Te Atua koutou e manaaki e tiaki I nga waa katoa.

Phyllis Tangitu

Phyllis Tangitu


Ko Mauao te Maunga
Ko Tauranga te Moana
Ko Ngati Ranginui te Iwi
Ko te Pirirakau te Hapu
Ko Potaua te 

Phyllis is a Ministerial Appointment to the Mental Health Review Tribunal of New Zealand (and has served on the tribunal for 14 years).  She has participated at a National level and in committee’s on suicide prevention for Maori and Pacific people, Mental Health and Addictions, and Maori Health.  She is currently a member of Tumu Whakarae (national network of General Managers Maori Health) and co-Chairs Te Huinga o Nga Pou Hauora (Midland Maori Mental Health and Addictions forum).   Phyllis was recently appointed as Co-Chair for the National Mental Health and Addictions workforce group, and a member of the national leadership group for Mental Health and addictions, Ministry of Health.  Phyllis is also a member of the Maori Advisory Board to the Bay of Plenty Police.

Phyllis is an avid supporter of Kapa Haka a national performer herself with Tuhourangi Ngati Wahiao Kapa Haka.   She now supports her adult sons, with their involvement in Kapa Haka; she is the secretary and chief cook. Phyllis also had opportunity to support Pirirakau Kapahaka in the 90’s to prepare for Hui Aranga.

Phyllis is also a member of committees locally (Rotorua) that focus on the social impacts on whanau, and the most vulnerable, and is currently working on several projects that will hopefully see closer collaboration between government’s   agencies, communities and Iwi.   The vision is to support healthy vibrant whanau.  

Kristy-Lee Tangitu


Papaki tū ana ngā tai ki tōku maunga whakahira ko Mauao
Ko Te Awanui te moana e rere nei
Ko aku pou herenga kia Ngāti Ranginui, ā ko Pirirākau tēnā, ko Ngāti Kahu hoki
Kia Ngāi te Rangi, ko Tuwhiwhia tēnā
E tū whakaihi ana i raro i tōku tupuna whare, ā Tūtereinga

Tēnā koutou,
Tēnā tātou , e aku nui, e aku rahi ngā karanga maha o Potaua rāua ko Riapeti
Tēna koutou katoa.

He uri tēnei kua tipu ora mai i ngā panekoti o ōku kuia, i ngā ringa raupā o te whānau , e noho ahi kā nei mō tō tātou hapū Pirirākau me te iwi o Ngāti Ranginui.

Ahakoa he rangatahi tonu, e ngākau nui ana ki ngā taonga tuku iho, ko Te Reo Māori tēna, ko ngā tātai whakapapa tēnā, ko ngā tikanga Māori tēnā. Hei aha, hei whakapūmau kia tuku ihoki a tātou tamariki mokopuna.

Ko rātou mā me ngā taonga nei, kei te mātaamua o ngā whakaaro.

Kia ora tatou

Ko Kristy-lee Tangitu toku ingoa, a grandchild of Ike Tangitu (child of Potaua and Riapeti). My parents are Basie Tangitu and Rana Witeri, and I am one of 6 children. Channel is my tuakana, and I have four younger brothers Potaua, Taane, Tamahau and Tamatea. I am a mother of 2 daughters Ngawaiata and Waimarino and currently reside in Te Puna. I returned from Brisbane Australia after 10 years in 2015 and completed my Bachelor of Nursing in 2019.


(Lead) – Communications
Assisting portfolios
Haukainga portfolios – Property Managing

Relevant Experience​​​

2018 – Te Puna Tauranga Moana​​ – Chairman
2019​ – Pirirakau Incorporated Society​​ – Tutereinga Marae Rep
2019 – ​Te Kura Kokiri ki Te Hauāuru – ​​Commitee member/Co-Lead
2020 –​Pirirakau Covid response Team – ​​Tutereinga Marae Rep​​​​

Wenarei King

Wenarei King


Ko te atua,to tatou piringa, ka puta, ka ora, ka tika.  Wkakahonore te Kingi Maori a Tuheitia me tona whare Ariki Paimarire.  Ringihia nga roimata ,hotuhotu te whatumanawa, e kore e mutu neite aroha ki ratou kua ngaro ki te po.haerehaere ,haere atu ra.

Ko Ngati te Oro te Hapu.
Ko Ngati Haua ki Te Pirirakau nga Iwi
Ko Maungatautari me Maunga kawa nga maunga tipua
Ko Whineray King (Wenarei) toku ingoa
Ko Frederick Tangitu King toku matua
Ko Linda Te Wehenga King toku whaea.
He uri ahau no Te Kihirinima auri, raua ko Titipo (Tangitu) Wirihana King.

During my early life I was taken a side by nga kaumatua and kuia of Ngati haua and schooled by them in nga tikanga/ ture of Ngati haua (whaikorero, whakapapa, karakia,waiatatangiwaiatamoteatea, waiatatira nga hua katoa I au i ako I te wa a ratou)

 In 2018 l was approached by Kiritoa Tangitu if l would come to Tutereinga Pirirakau to live to strengthen our relationship between Ngati haua and Pirirakau. seeking guidance of my Aunty Mereraiha Robert l relented and moved in to a vacant kaumatua unit at Tutereinga marae. My role at the marae was and still is as asked by Kiritoa was to support   the “paepae ‘in all things pertaining to the “pae.  By this time l was nominated by my Aunty Mary to stand as a trustee on the twt to represent her mother Titipo and all her siblings and descendants in Ngati Haua.

The portfolio I hold is in housing with emphasis largly centred around looking after the needs of our kaumatua, and kaumatua units, recently refurbished units and installation of heat pumps, airextractors, new improved decking for safer entry/exist to name a few that has been completed.Ongoing needs for our kaumatua will be prioritized as well as undertaking remedial works around the orchard.

Heoi ano nga mihi ote wa me nga manakitanga ote runga rawa ki runga i a tatou.  Kia noho ora pai.  Kia haumaru ora pai.

Kaati ra


Tracey Stoneham

Tracey Stoneham

KPMG Accounting & Advisory Services

He Maimai Aroha

E te rangatira o Te Pirirākau, e Kiritoha, Te Pirirākau, o Tutereinga, o Ngāti Ranginui o tēnei hui-a-tau 2020. Ko koe tōku ariaritanga, ko koe tōku ruruhau, e te pou o te whānau, e te pou nuku o te iwi, te tāhūhū o te waka o Tākitimu, hoea te rapanga-a-nuku, hoea te rapanga- a-rangi, piki whakarunga, ki te tihi o Mauao, ki tōu moana o Tauranga, te ūnga mai o ngā waka. Ko Rauru kitahi e! Ko Ngāti Ranginui tēna, ko koe tēna. Ko Ngāiterangi tēna, Ko koe tēna. Ko Ngāti Pūkenga tēna, ko koe tēna. Kei te mahana tonu te roro o tōu whare tīpuna, kei te tangihia ngā wai o Waikaraka. Kei te mōteatea ngā ngaru whakateoteo o te moana o Tauranga. Kua kore kitea tōu kanohi, kua kore rangona ki tōu reo, kei te mokemoke ngā whakaaro mōu, kua wahangū, te kāeaea o Tamateapokaiwhenua. Kua mokemoke a Hinekura, maringi noa ngā roimata ki Raropua ki te rerenga o Te puna, ko Te puna kōrero, ko Te puna aroha, ko te puna o te mamae, ko te puna e kore e mimiti, e kore e mimiti e tōku rangatira a Kiritoha, kua mamae rawatia tonutia te whānau, te hapū, te iwi nui tonu mō tōu hinganga ki Tahataharoa, takoto mai ai koe i te taha o tōu tīpuna a Tutereinga, ka takoto, ka takoto, ka takoto!

We have lost one of our koroua and founding leaders of the whānau Tangitū Trust, Kiritoha Tangitū.  It has been an opportunity for the whānau of Tutereinga marae, the community of Tauranga and the trustees of the Tangitū whānau trust to be respectful and give the appropriate time to pay our respects and supporting the kawe mate of our koroua to other marae and iwi within Tauranga including Ngāti Hauā, to always mourn collectively for him, our loss and sadness has now made us realize he will never amongst us again

I would like to acknowledge Tutereinga marae for the support they have given and also the direction from our whānau to have this weekend to acknowledge Kiritoha and the contribution he has made to the whānau Tangitū trust for well over 20 years. He will be missed by us all and we are grateful to him and his vision to carry on and maintain the legacy of the Tangitū whānau trust from our Koroua Potaua, including Takurua Tangitū and other members of our whānau who were responsible that we can today benefit from the Kiwifruit orchard, our houses, our kaumātua flats and our investments that we have made to provide a stronger cultural and economic foundation for all the uri of Potaua Tangitū and Riapeti Faulkner.

Our Trusted Business Advisors


New Zealand’s Premier Produce Company

Seeka has always been a company that’s done things differently. In fact their journey started in 1980 in the small rural township of Te Puke when a group of kiwifruit orchardists saw an opportunity to generate better returns from their kiwifruit.

By following their vision, Seeka has grown to become the largest producer of kiwifruit in New Zealand and Australia, and a major provider of supply chain services that’s delivers the very best produce to an ever-growing range of global consumers.

For more than 35 years, by selecting excellence Seeka has been helping more growers, deliver more produce to more markets.


Te Awanui HukaPak

Te Awanui Huka Pak Limited (Te Awanui) is a 100% Maori owned company founded in 1984 by a collection of Maori trusts. At the time, the founders were all kiwifruit growers looking to expand their footprint across the horticultural value chain and so purchased a Packhouse in Mount Maunganui.

In 1984 Te Awanui packed approximately 300,000 trays, in 2009 that number had grown to 6 million.

In December 2009, Te Awanui sold its interests to Seeka Industries Limited (Seeka) and on completion of the transaction took a 17% stake in Seeka and retained its land holdings.

Now in 2018, Te Awanui currently has total investments in excess of $20m consisting primarily of commercial property and shares in publicly listed Seeka Ltd.



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This is more than a goal – it’s our reason for being.