
Purpose of the Trust

As outlined in the Trust Deed, the purpose of the Trust shall be to:

  • Promote and foster the cultural, social, economic, educational, spiritual advancement and well-being of the beneficial owners and their whanau.

  • Strengthen and foster retention of the traditional, cultural and spiritual values of the Tangitu Whanau.

  • Protect, preserve and advance the reo, tikanga, kawa, whakapapa, taonga and korero of the Tangitu Whanau.

  • Foster and provide employment, educational, recreational, training, health, housing, welfare and cultural opportunities.

  • Ensure retention of the Block for the Beneficial Owners and their descendants.

  • Provide for the use, management, alienation and commercialisation of Trust Land and Trust Assets for the benefit of the Beneficial Owners.

  • Represent the Beneficial Owners on all matters relating to the Trust and Trust Land.

  • Do any act or thing incidental or conducive to the achievement of any of the above.

Tangitu Whanau – October 2018 AGM

Whakapapa and a brief history of the Trust.

We would like to acknowledge our koroua Potaua, who we as descendants have inherited our mana whenua rights to the land and to this area known as Te Puna Kai o Tutereinga.  They knew very well that the land is the life-giving blood of our people.  Through the land we have shelter, protection, clothing, food and a place of identity to call our Turangawaewae, our place to stand and be proud to say we are descendants of Tutereinga, we are proud to be the descendants of Potaua Tangitu the ancestor whom our Trust was named after.  It is said “paitu, pai hinga, na wai, na oti”, good at standing, good at falling, the work is eventually finished.  

It is important to remember that although we have individual shares or amalgamated that into a Whanau Trust under the Tangitu Whanau Trust this land has been handed down to us from our ancestor Tutereinga.  The following whakapapa reminds us of who we are, our connection to Tutereinga down to Potaua and how we as a hapu and family connect to the whenua.

Takitimu waka
Te Rangiwhakakaha
Potaua Tangitu

As you all know it is through this line our whakapapa connection that gives us the privilege to connect to our Whanau Trust and the Orchard of this area known as Te Puna Kai o Tutereinga.  

Vision and guiding principles.

This Trust was established in memory of our koroua Potaua Tangitu and also to acknowledge his sons, in particular Ihakara and Takurua Tangitu and all their brothers and sisters who gave the Trust as a legacy to us. Our vision for the future has to be the same as the foundation established by our tipuna, that being, “to maintain the unity of all the descendants of PotauaTangitu” which aligns to our mission statement, “To manage and enhance the assets held in Trust and distribute income for the long term benefit of the Tangitu Whanau”.  

Whakawhanaungatanga:  Relationships, kinship and connectedness.

Mataurangatanga:  Support of whanau in their quest to develop knowledge.

Manaakitanga:  Caring for others and working together to achieve collective well-being.

Kaitiakitanga:  The exercise of guardianship, particularly in relation to natural resources, such as land, sea and waterways.

The principles above guide our strategic plan, which is delivered under the following model: