
Ahu Whenua

The Tangitu Whānau Trust is responsible for overseeing Lot 154D8 and Lot 154D Section 6B2B in the Parish of Te Puna, both in the district of Waikato-Maniapoto.  The blocks (15.1 and 1.67 hectares, respectively) are located on Tangitu Road, Te Puna, surrounding our wharetipuna, Tutereinga, and overlooking our moana, Te Awanui.

Kiwifruit and Avocado Orchards

In the 1980’s, our tipuna had the foresight to start a kiwifruit orchard from scratch, and today the orchard covers approximately 8 hectares of land, and is planted out in Green Haywood, and G3 & G6 Gold vines.  

The Trust also has a small number of avocado trees which produce a bi-annual crop.

Tangitu Whanau

Rental Properties & Papakāinga

The Trust manages two open-market rental properties at 82 and 85 Tangitu Road.

Our papakāinga, and four kaumatua units make up our non-profit housing activities.  An area of land has been set aside specifically for those who wish to return home.  There are currently nine whānau with homes on the papakāinga

If you would like to apply for the next available kaumatua home, download this application form and post or email it to the trustees via our contact page.

(125kb PDF – Document will open in a new window)

VIEW Application Form

Other Investments

In addition to our land-based assets, the Tangitu Whānau Trust maintains a portfolio of privately-held shares and term deposits.